Monday, November 25, 2013

The Godess in you Challenge

Good Morning Peeps,
Welcome to the Third Simply Betty & The Stamping Chef Collaboration!
There is also a Great Birthday Hop at TSC as it is 1 Today, Please head over to TSC Birthday Post and fab Birthday Hop!
Today is the start of a Fabulous challenge for you made for the Goddess in you
Betty & Tamara have come up with Two AWESOME Goddesses to challenge your creative skills with!
Peresphone By Betty of SBS & Nile Goddess by TSC, Here are the cards I have made Firstly
                                                Nile Goddesss By The Stamping Chef
                                              And Peresephone By Betty of Simply B Stamps
You can pick these up for just $1.00 a piece for 24 HOURS then after that at their regular price and you can still enter the challenge
A winner will be chosen for each Image from each stamp company for a $10 gift certificate for each of the stores, So dont miss out come play along, Just upload your cards to the little blue Inky Linky Froggie on the SBS Blog.....Closing date will be December 8th
                                                Thanks for stopping By
                                                 Peace & Love
                                                        Pam xxx

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